MSST5/10-S UserManual
MSST5/10-S UserManual
Options for the EN Input include:
▪ Change motor speed - when the input is closed, the motor will run at a different speed which
must be entered in the change motor speed to box
▪ Enable motor when closed - the motor is enable when current is flowing through the input and
has no power when the input is open
▪ Enable motor when open - opposite of above
▪ Reset alarm when closing – an alarm or fault can be cleared by closing the input
▪ Reset alarm when opening - an alarm or fault can be cleared by opening the input
▪ Not Used – there is no function for the input, but its state can be read using the SCL IS, FS or
FY command.
Options for Output are:
▪ Closed on fault – the output will close if a fault occurs
▪ Open on fault - the output will open if a fault occurs
▪ Closed to release brake – the output controls a fail safe brake relay
▪ Open to release brake - the output opens to release the brake
▪ Closed when moving - the output closes whenever motor is moving
▪ Open when moving - the output opens whenever motor is moving
▪ Tach out – the output produces pulses relative to the motor position
▪ Not Used – there is no function for the output, but it can be controlled using the SCL SO, FO,
IH and IL commands.
SCL Mode
Here the power up mode for the drive is set correctly for use with SCL applications.
SCL is MOONS’ host command language for applications requiring drives to receive instructions
from a host controller in real time. With SCL, drives can be operated in RS-232 mode.
SCL Address