different resolutions and for different resins. Click the Create button to create a
new profile. Click the Delete button to delete the selected profile.
Slice Thickness: This field sets the thickness of each slice in millimeters. The default
is 0.05mm (20 slices per millimeter).
Exposure Time per Layer: This time value specifies how long the projector will
display a slice image on a per layer basis.
Bottom Layer Exposure Time: In order to ensure the model is properly adhered to
the bottom of the vat, a longer exposure time can be used for a specified number
of bottom layers.
# Bottom Layers: This specifies the number of bottom layers that will receive the
longer exposure time.
Blanking Time Between Layers: This specifies a time delay that allows the machine
to perform a Lift/Tilt/Slide. You may have to experiment with this value to
determine a proper timing for your machine.
Resin Price per Liter: You can specify the cost of the resin used. This is used to
calculate the printing cost in the File > Calculate Volume & Costs menu entry.
Lift and Sequence Time: This value specifies in milliseconds how long the lift and
retract sequence takes. You can use the Auto Calc button to generate a time
estimate for the lift and retract. This value may need to be modified based on the
speed of your machine.
Lift Distance: This is the distance that the printer will raise and lower the Z axis after
exposure has taken place.
Z Lift Speed: When a layer is printed on a bottom up machine, a large amount of
force may be required to separate the slide from the vat. This speed indicates how
fast to perform the lift. A slower speed may be required to help vat separation.
Z Lift Retraction Speed: After the lift occurs, this speed indicates how fast the Z axis
should travel back to the initial start position.
Slide/Tilt Value: For a machine with a slide or tilt mechanism connected to the X
axis, this value specifies how much to move in conjunction with the lift.