generate supports on downward facing polygons, check the boxes under Support
General and Generate Only on Downward.
Adaptive Supports: You can add supports to areas in the model that are
unsupported. There are two algorithms to help you accomplish this.
Saving a Scene
After one or more models have been loaded and manipulated on the build platform, you
can click the
button to save the entire scene as a .STL file or as a .CWS file.
The advantage of saving the scene as a .STL file is that all the models and their positions
will be saved as a single object file, which can be loaded and manipulated at a later time.
The advantage of saving the scene as a .CWS file is that the save will contain all the
support and slicing information, so you can load and print it at a later time without re-
slicing the model(s).
Slice View
The Slice View offers to options: Slice View and GCode View.
When the Slice View option is selected, you can see individual layers of the slice model. In
the upper left corner, you can see the total number of layers in the sliced mode. Use the