Material Right: Select the type of filament you are using.
Material Left: Select the type of filament you are using.
Supports: If your model has overhanging elements, enable the Supports option.
Raft: It is recommended to enable the Raft option.
Resolution: It is recommended to select the Standard option.
More Options: It is recommended to leave them at the default values.
Click OK to save the Gcode file to the SD™ card. You can rename the file as desired
and save it as either a .g or .gx file. Files with a .gx extension can be previewed,
while .g files cannot.
Eject the SD™ card, then plug it into the SD card slot on the printer.
Power on the Inventor printer.
Ensure that the build plate is leveled and that filament is loaded.
Touch the Print button on the printer display.
Touch the SD card button, then locate and load your model file.