Monaco 134 06 05
Technical manual "1303"
Check for flue or chimney blockage, and clean if
required. Do not attempt to relight the fire until the
cause of the fume emission has been identified and
corrected. If necessary seek expert advice.
Note :
It is recommended to use a fireguard in the
presence of children, and also in the presence of old
and/or infirm people.
3.1 Fuel
This appliance is not an incinerator.
Use hard wood logs, which have been cut for at least
two years and stored, under a ventilated shelter.
Use hardwood that have a higher calorific value per
cu metre (Yoke-elm, oak, ash, maple, birch, elm,
beech, etc.). Large logs must be split and cut to an
useful length, before being stored in a sheltered and
ventilated place.
• Recommended fuel :
The best fuels for use with the Franco Belge “Monaco”
are :
Seasoned wood. - hard wood logs that have been cut,
split and stored for at least two years with a maximum
moisture content of 20 % e.g. oak, beech, elm etc.
Anthracite – dry steam coal fuels as described in type
A – table B2 of the Standard – smokeless fuels such as
homefire, phurnacite, ancit.
We do not recommend the use of Homefire on your
stove due to the number of glass panels which have
been effected by this fuel.
• Prohibited fuel :
Any form of housecoal (bituminous coal) or petroleum
based fuels.
We do not allow that unseasoned wood (green wood)
is used due to it’s high levels of moisture which will
produce tar and in turn can cause the insides of the
stove and the lining of the chimney to become coated
which in turn could lead to a chimney fire.
We do not allow recovered wood e.g railway
sleepers,chipboard, pallets are burned as these have
been treated and will product a great deal of pollution
to the environment and will overheat the appliance.
3.2. Instruction for use with Wood
Figure 8
3.2.1. Lighting
Set all air controls to the maximum opening. Use a
double handful of kindling and light the fire with
chemical firelighters with the door 5-10 mm ajar.
After several minutes the flames from the firebed are
diminishing, add 2 half-sized logs and keep the door
ajar and the air controls unaltered.
About 12 minutes from the Start, when the logs are
well alight but flames Start receding, add 2 full sized
logs and leave the controls as before.
After a further 3 mn, close the door wait for another
3 mn and close the primary air (C) until the logs burn
down to embers, reload a this point and adjust the
settings to the desired positions.
Never use firelighters under liquid forms as
they may lead do severe safety issues
3.2.2. Refuelling procedure
- The appliance must function with the door property
closed, the burning rate beign controlled in using the
secondary air flap (B).
Experience will show you which settings are best for
your situation.
Before refuelling, set the secondary air (B) to the
required setting, open at maximum the primary air
(C), load the Wood and wait for 3 or 4 minutes.
After This period, when the fuel logs are well blackened
and the flances well established close the primary air.
The airwash system works with the top airslide
(secondary air inlet B). When the top airslide is fully
opened the system works at is strangest efficiency.
The more closed down the air slide is the less effective
the airwash will be (when shut down completely, the
airwash system can not function).
The nominal output is obtained with the settings as
follows :
- primary air inlet (C) - Closed
- secondary air inlet (B) - 50 % Open
- Tertiary air inlet - Opened
- It is important to follow theses instructions in order
to active clean burning and to maximise the efficiency
from the stove.
- Do not leave the fire unattended After on the new
charged logs.
- Always refuel on to hot embers.
- Never overload the firebox. Always keep the logs
below the level of the tertiary air holes.
3.3. Operating procedure when using
solid mineral fuels (smokeless fuels)
- When using smokeless fuels the tertiary air should
be closed (coal position) as the secondary air inlet (B).
The nominal output is obtained with the air settings
as follows :
- primary air (C) : 75 % opened
- secondary air (B) : closed
- tertiary air (E) : closed