SkanWasher 400 User Guide
Appendix A: RS-232 Operation
The SkanWasher 400 is supplied with an RS-232 connector that allows two-
way communication interface. A separate computer may control the Skan-
Washer 400. The protocol for this communication is designed as a one-char-
acter command/reply protocol. The standard protocol contains the following
communications: start, stop, program selection, error messages, ready, and
wake-up calls.
The RS-232 connection on the SkanWasher 400 is a female 9-pin receptacle
that can be connected directly to a serial port on a PC, for example.
Baud rate:
9,600 baud
Data bits
Stop bits
The SkanWasher 400 comes with an RS-232 cable having 9-pin male/female
connectors. The communication protocol is designed for single-character
commands. No data handshake control is implemented, nor are hardware,
DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, software, or Xon/Xoff. Hardware handshake lines are
interconnected in the 9-pin female connector.
Communication Protocol
The communication protocol is designed as a one-character command/reply
protocol. The host sends one ASCII character and the SkanWasher 400 replies
that the command has been received and performs the action.
Commands entered by pressing keys on the front panel of the SkanWasher
400 are accepted in the same way as those sent via serial communication.
Skanwasher 400
can be interfaced with a computer
system but the microplate lift NOT
robotic compatible.