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Thin C/A
# 1 Phillips Head Screwdriver
Adjustable Wrench
Modeling Knife
Electric Drill
1/16" (1,6mm) Drill Bit
(1) Cowling
(4) M2 x 10mm Flange-Head Wood Screws
Straight Edge Ruler
Rotary Tool with Cutting Disc and Sanding Drum
220 Grit Sandpaper
Sanding Block
Masking Tape
you'll NeeD The FolloWiNG PArTS FroM The KiT:
you'll NeeD The FolloWiNG ToolS AND SuPPlieS:
STeP 1: AliGNiNG The CoWliNG
Remove the high speed needle valve and the muffler assembly from your engine and set them aside.
To prevent dust and debris from entering your engine during the fitting and aligning of the cowling, we strongly suggest
covering your engine's exhaust port, carburetor opening and needle valve inlet with small pieces of paper towel.
Temporarily slide the cowling onto the fuselage, then install your propeller.
Line up the front of the cowling, using the drive washer as a guide. When
aligned properly, the propeller cutout in the cowling should be centred around
the drive washer and the front of the cowling should be approximately 1/8"
(3mm) behind the propeller. The back of the cowling should be centred around
the fuselage when viewed from both the front and the top.
The steps in this section detail aligning and installing the cowling whether you're using a glow engine or a brushless
electric motor. If you're using a glow engine, you will need to cut out the cowling to fit over your engine's cylinder head before you can
align the cowling. If you're using a brushless electric motor, you should skip the procedures related to cutting out the cowling.
Measure and mark the locations on the cowling that you must cut out to clear your engine's cylinder head, then carefully cut out the
cowling. Work slowly, removing small amounts of material at a time, and checking the fit often.
When satisfied with the alignment, use pieces of masking tape to hold the cowling securely to the fuselage.
With the cowling held firmly in alignment, drill four 1/16" (1.6mm) diameter
pilot holes through the cowling and into the fuselage for the wood screws. Two
holes should be positioned on the top of the cowling and two holes should be
positioned on the bottom of the cowling. Position each of the four holes 1/8"
(3mm) in front of the back edge of the cowling.
STeP 2: iNSTAlliNG The CoWliNG
Remove the cowling and apply a couple of drops of thin C/A into the four
pilot holes and allow the C/A to fully cure.
The C/A will harden the surrounding wood, making the
mounting area stronger. Do not omit this procedure.
Push the aileron and hinges into the corresponding four hinge slots in the
trailing edge of the wing panel.
Slide one hinge into each of the four hinge slots in the aileron, making sure
that you push each hinge in up to the T-Pins.
Don't glue the hinges into the aileron yet.
Allow the C/A to dry for about 15 minutes, then pivot the aileron up and down several times to free up the hinges.
Remove the T-Pins and push the aileron up against the trailing edge. There
should be no more than a 1/32" (1mm) wide hinge gap and there should be a
1/16" (1.5mm) gap between the end of the aileron and the outer edge of the
wing panel.
While holding the aileron tight against the trailing edge, pivot the aileron
down 45º and apply 5-6 drops of thin C/A to the exposed area of each hinge,
then turn the wing panel over and repeat for the other side of the hinges.
Check the integrity of the hinges after the C/A fully cures by gently pulling on the aileron. If one or more hinges
feels loose, apply more C/A to the hinge(s) and allow it to completely cure. The last thing you want is for a hinge to come loose
during flight.
Repeat the previous procedures to hinge the aileron to the second wing panel.
STeP 2: hiNGiNG The FlAPS
Working with one wing panel and flap for now, push two T-Pins through the centre of each of the three flap hinges.
Slide one hinge into each of the three hinge slots in the flap, making sure
that you push each hinge in up to the T-Pins.
Don't glue the hinges into the flap yet.
Hinge the flap to the wing panel, using the same techniques that you used
to hinge the aileron to the wing panel. As with the ailerons, there should be no
more than a 1/32" (1mm) wide hinge gap and both ends of the flap should be
centred between the end of the aileron and the inside edge of the wing panel.
You will only be able to deflect the flap down, but you should still be able
to apply glue to the bottom of the hinges, even with the flap centred.