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Secure one end of the silicone fuel tubing onto the end of the clunk.
Slide the silicone fuel tubing, with the clunk attached, onto the end of the
aluminium fuel pick-up tube (straight tube). Adjust the length of the silicone
tubing until the end of the clunk is 4" (102mm) back from the rear of the stopper
STeP 2: iNSTAlliNG The rubber SToPPer ASSeMbly
Push the metal neck-reinforcement ring over the neck of the fuel tank
opening, then carefully push the stopper assembly into the fuel tank and rotate
it until the aluminium vent tube rests just inside the moulded bubble in the top
of the fuel tank.
When satisfied with the alignment, install and tighten the M3 x 18mm
machine screw until the rubber stopper expands and seals the fuel tank
With the stopper assembly installed, double-check to make sure that the clunk can move freely inside the fuel tank. Ideally, the clunk
should be about 1/4" (6mm) in front of the back of the fuel tank. This will ensure that the clunk can't get stuck in the fuel tank during
flight. Also double-check that the end of the vent tube rests just inside the moulded bubble in the top of the fuel tank.
Holding the fuel tank up to a bright light will allow you to see inside to double-check the correct position of the clunk and
the vent tube.
STeP 3: iNSTAlliNG The Fuel TANK
Cut two pieces of silicone fuel tubing (not included) to a length of 4" (102mm)
and install them to the aluminium tubes at the front of the fuel tank.
Mark the ends of the silicone tubing "vent" and "pick-up" so you don't confuse them when it comes time to connect them
to the engine later on.
When you install the fuel tank in the next procedure, make sure that the top of the fuel tank is toward the top of
the fuselage.
Glue a scrap piece of balsa or light plywood directly behind the fuel tank (to
keep it from sliding backward) and use pieces of foam rubber, wedged between
the fuel tank and the fuel tank support bulkhead, to hold the fuel tank securely
in place.
Feed the ends of the fuel tubing through the predrilled hole in the firewall and slide the fuel tank into position, making sure that the
stopper assembly lines up with, and is firmly pushed into, the predrilled hole in the firewall.
Remove the stabiliser and carefully cut away the covering material from
within the outline you drew. Cut away the covering material from both sides of
the stabiliser below the lines you drew and from the base of the stabiliser, too.
Glue the stabiliser into place, using 30 minute epoxy. Double-check the
alignment once more before the epoxy sets up, then wipe away any excess
epoxy, and use pieces of masking tape to hold the stabiliser in place until the
epoxy has fully cured.
Use a builder's triangle to make sure that the vertical
stabiliser is perpendicular to the horizontal stabiliser.
STeP 5: hiNGiNG The eleVATor hAlVeS
After allowing the C/A to fully cure, pull on the elevator halves to check the integrity of the hinges. Apply more C/A
to the hinge(s) if necessary.
Hinge the elevator halves to the horizontal stabiliser, using the same
techniques that you used to hinge the ailerons and the flaps to the wing. Each
elevator half is hinged using three hinges. When hinging the elevator halves,
the tip of each elevator half should be even with the tips of the stabiliser and
there should not be more than a 1/32" (1mm) wide hinge gap.
Hinge the rudder to the vertical stabiliser, using the same techniques that
you used to hinge the elevator halves to the stabiliser. The rudder is hinged
using three hinges. When hinging the rudder, there should be a 1/16" (1.5mm)
wide gap between the rudder counter-balance and the top of the stabiliser, and
there should not be more than a 1/32" (1mm) wide hinge gap.
As you did with the other control surfaces, after allowing the C/A to fully cure, pull on the rudder to check the integrity
of the hinges. Apply more C/A to the hinge(s) if necessary.
STeP 6: hiNGiNG The ruDDer
Remove the rudder and hinges from the vertical stabiliser and set them
aside for now.
Push the stabiliser down into the mounting slot, then draw a line on each
side of the stabiliser where it meets the top of the fuselage. Draw an outline
onto the fuselage around the base of the stabiliser, too.