steP 5: fiNaL asseMBLY
Install your propeller and spinner onto your motor.
Make sure to tighten the propeller nut firmly and double-check that no portion of the spinner cone rubs against the
propeller. It's also a good idea to balance the propeller before installing it.
Drill a series of 5/16" (8mm) diameter holes across the top of the firewall
to allow cool air into the fuselage to cool the battery and the ESC.
Cut two 1" (25mm) diameter holes in the hatch cover to allow warm air
to exit.
Install the hatch cover onto the fuselage. Refer to step 2 on page 29 for
installation instructions.
When it comes time to order replacement parts, we recommend ordering directly from your local hobby retailer.
If your hobby retailer does not stock Model Tech products, you can order replacement parts directly
from your local distributor, using the customer service Information sheet included with your kit.
rePLaCeMeNt Parts List
Instruction Manual ...........................................................115542
Wing Set ..........................................................................115543
Fuselage Set ...................................................................115544
Stabilizer Set ...................................................................115545
Landing Gear Set ............................................................115546
Fuel Tank - 190cc ............................................................115547
Hardware Set...................................................................115548
Before installing the hatch cover, apply a few drops of thin C/A into the pilot holes to strengthen the surrounding
wood. This will ensure that the wood screws won't loosen over time.
Make sure that your receiver and battery can't come out should the hatch cover ever come loose.