802.11n WLAN ADSL2+ Router
twisted pair
The ordinary copper telephone wiring used by telephone
companies. It contains one or more wire pairs twisted togeth
er to reduce inductance and noise. Each telephone line uses
one pair. In homes, it is most often installed with two pairs.
For Ethernet LANs, a higher grade called Category 3 (CAT
3) is used for 10BASE-T networks, and an even higher grade
called Category 5 (CAT 5) is used for 100BASE-T networks.
10BASE-T, 100BASE-T, Ethernet
unnumbered in-
An unnumbered interface is an IP interface that does not have
a local subnet associated with it. Instead, it uses a
that serves as the source and destination address of packets
sent to and from the Router. Unlike the IP address of a normal
interface, the Router-id of an unnumbered interface is allowed
to be the same as the IP address of another interface. For
example, the WAN unnumbered interface of your device uses
the same IP address of the LAN interface (
The unnumbered interface is temporary – PPP or DHCP will
assign a ‘real’ IP address automatically.
The direction of data transmission from the user to the Inter-
Virtual Circuit
A connection from your DSL Router to your ISP.
Virtual Circuit Identifier
Together with the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI), the VCI unique
ly identifies a VC. Your ISP will tell you the VCI for each VC
they provide. See
Virtual Path Identifier
Together with the Virtual Circuit Identifier (VCI), the VPI
uniquely identifies a VC. Your ISP will tell you the VPI for
each VC they provide.
Wide Area Network
Any network spread over a large geographical area, such as
a country or continent. With respect to the Wireless ADSL2+
Router, WAN refers to the Internet.