MIDI Output
All controls on the craft output midi messages. This allows CRAFTsynth to be used as a fully
functional plug and play MIDI controller!
When a change is detected on any of the parameters, a CC message is sent out. See the MIDI
implementation chart in the MIDI section to find which parameters send which CC numbers.
The touchpads send MIDI notes for the note that they are set to trigger.
MIDI Input
CRAFTsynth can be played by sending it MIDI notes. This means you can use your DAW or any
device that can send MIDI notes over USB to sequence velocity sensitive notes for your synth.
MIDI Clock
Configure your DAW to send MIDI clock (Sync) to CRAFTsynth and it will automatically
configure itself to work in time with your track tempo. The LFO rate will snap to divisions of
the host clock (up until half way - see LFO section).
Delay time will also snap to divisions of the host clock, depending on the delay sync setting,
controlled via MIDI CC (See MIDI implementation chart above).
When no clock is detected, the synth will continue to use whatever tempo it is configured to
until a change of LFO rate or Delay time is detected by a dial turn.
Program Change
Sending a program change to CRAFTsynth will load the relevant preset.
This enables you to automate changes between sound, for example to move between
different elements of a track, or from one track to the next.
Note: Your DAW might list program changes starting from ‘1’ this will load the first preset on
CRAFTsynth, which is referred to as ‘0’ in this manual.
CC control parameters list
All parameters of the synthesis engine can be controlled by sending CC messages to
CRAFTsynth. There are several features that can only be accessed through this control, or by
using the CRAFT App.
The following table shows which midi CC numbers control which parameters.