Basic Functions
Powering on
CRAFTryhthm can be powered either through the USB socket, or by a battery pack.
First, ensure that the power selection header block featured in step 2 of the assembly
guide is set to the relevant pins for USB or Battery power.
To use USB power, simply connect a USB cable to a power source as described in the
Connecting Hardware section and place the power selection header
To use the battery pack, simply attach the battery pack lead to the connector and ensure it is
turned on, with charged batteries inside.
The battery pack we recommend is Adafruit Industries’ 727 3xAAA switched JST-PH, available
from many retailers.
You can use double-sided sticky foam to attach the battery pack to the back to underside of
Note: The JST-PH battery connector requires 100mA and 4.5v – 5v to power craft.
DO NOT hold the SELECT button whilst powering on CRAFTrhythm.
Doing so and holding the button for a further 4 seconds will erase the firmware and stop the
CRAFT from working. You can restore the firmware via the update process, but it’s best to
avoid doing this unintentionally.
Touch Pads
CRAFTrhythm has 10 touch pads that can be used to trigger samples, select tracks, start/stop
the sequencer and alter the dials and button functionality to provide editable parameters for
the main sample engine.
The “PLAY” touch pad starts and stops the sequencer. There are 8 touch pads for each track
of the sequencer for triggering samples and track selection. The “SHIFT” touch pad provides
access to alternative functions.
Trigger Samples
Quick tapping the 1 - 8 touchpads will trigger the sample that is currently assigned to that
Basic Functions
Track Select
Holding a touch pad and pressing the “SELECT” button will select that track’s row on the
sequencer. Alternatively, holding the touch pad will temporarily select the held instrument’s
row and will revert back to the selected row after a short delay when the touch pad is
released. Holding the touch pad 1 and the touch pad 8 together will temporarily select all
tracks so that global track changes can be made.
For example, to change the filter cutoff for all tracks hold down buttons 1 and 8 and then
turn the cutoff dial.
Input Steps
Input steps for the tracks by either using the buttons 1-16 to enable steps or hold down the
“PLAY/INPUT” touch pad and use the track touch pads to input steps while the sequence is
Assign Samples to Tracks
To assign a different sample to a track first hold “SHIFT” and the track button you want to
assign and then use the buttons 1-16 to select the sample. There are 64 sample slots and they
are arranged into 8 banks of 8 samples. The top row of buttons, 1-8, are used to select the
sample bank while the bottom row of buttons, 9-16, are used to select the sample within that
bank. CRAFTrhythm comes pre loaded with all 64 slots filled with samples arranged into 8 kits
of 8 samples.
Parameter Dials
The 4 dials control track parameters for the currently selected row. The default parameters are
Level, Tune, Cutoff and Resonance. Holding “PLAY/INPUT” before turning the dial controls
Pan, Amp Attack, Amp Hold, Amp Decay. Holding “SHIFT” before turning a dial controls Filter
EG Amount, Filter Attack, Filter Hold, Filter Decay. Finally, holding “SHIFT” and “PLAY/INPUT”
before turning a dial controls Pitch EG Amount, Pitch Attack, Pitch Hold, Pitch Decay.
Global Parameters
The 4 dials have a secondary function to control global parameters. To control these
parameters hold the “SELECT” button and turn the dials. TEMPO controls the speed of
the clock while DIVISION controls the length of the steps from 1/16 notes up to 1/4 notes.
GROOVE controls the shuffle amount until the dial gets to halfway and then there are 8
preset grooves that include triplet and syncopated rhythms. VOLUME controls the headphone
volume only, not the line out.