Sample Manager
The Sample Manager gives you control over what samples are currently stored on
File Browser
On the left of the page there is a file browser that lets you search for samples on your
computer or tablet/phone. The file browser will only show folders and valid files (.wav and
.aiff). When selecting a file the sample will be previewed along with a waveform preview.
On desktop you can hold SHIFT to select multiple files. You can also click and hold on a file
until an orange border appears around the browser. This will also allow you to select multiple
files. There is a volume control to adjust the volume of the preview.
On MacOS you will need to select a root folder that will allow the app to browse for samples.
On iOS the root folder is the Documents directory inside CRAFTapp. This can be accessed
using iTunes File Sharing.
Sample Grid
The grid shows the current 64 sample slots. Slots that are grey are active and have samples in
them. Slots that are black are empty.
You can click on a slot to preview what sample is currently in it on CRAFTrhythm
Adding Samples to the Sample Grid
There are two ways to add samples from the File Browser to the Sample Grid:
You can select the slot number you would like to send the sample to using the SLOT slider and
-/+ buttons. An orange cursor with a + will show over the selected slot. When you are happy
with the selected slot then press the button SEND.
Alternatively you can drag and drop from the File Browser to the slot you want to send the
sample to.
When multiple samples are selected then the samples are written consecutively from the
selected slot.
A progress bar will appear over the waveform to show how much time is left until the sample
is fully sent to CRAFTrhythm.
Delete Sample Slots
There may be an occasion when you would like to delete samples from CRAFTrhythm. To do
this first press the DELETE SLOTS button. Then select the slots you would like to delete. Then
either press DELETE to remove these samples or EXIT to return.
Memory Bar
On the far right of the Sample Grid there is a memory bar. This shows how much of the total
memory on CRAFTrhythm is currently full.
Click the OPTIONS button will bring up the following:
Delete All Slots - This will wipe all the samples from CRAFTrhythm
Optimise Memory - This will defragment the memory in CRAFTrhythm to make it as small as