Parameter Animation
CRAFTrhythm also offers 4 tracks of parameter animation that are 16 steps long.
Parameter animation allows you to sequence up to 4 parameters per pattern. There is also
an optional step multiplier of 1-8 so that the steps of the parameter sequencer can be longer
than the steps of main sequencer.
For example with a parameter track set to filter cutoff and a step multiplier of 8 then the filter
cutoff can be changed automatically every 8 steps of the main sequencer with a total length
of 8 bars of the pattern.
Hold the “SELECT” button and press one of the buttons 9-12 to activate/deactivate tracks 1-4.
To record an animation first hold the “SELECT” button and hold one of the buttons 9-12 until
the LED flashes to arm a track.
Once a track has been armed the step multiplier can be selected using buttons 1-8 and any
parameter changes will be recorded into the armed track for 16 steps multiplied by the step
multiplier. Pressing the “SELECT” button again before the 16th animation step will unarm the
track and stop recording parameter changes.
The different parameters that can be animated are:
Filter EG Amount
Pitch EG Amount
Global Parameters
The 4 dials on CRAFTrhythm have a secondary function to control global parameters.
To control these parameters hold the “SELECT” button and turn the dials.
TEMPO controls the speed of the clock from 40 beats per minute up to 294 beats per minute.
The TEMPO can also be changed using the “SHIFT/TAP” tempo touch pad. Tapping this touch
pad in time will produce an average tempo based on the gap between taps.
DIVISION controls the length of the steps in the sequencer grid:
1/16 notes - semi quavers
1/8 notes - quavers
1/4 notes - crotchets
This can be useful if you want to quickly drop into double or half speed.
GROOVE controls the shuffle amount until the dial gets to halfway and then there are 8 preset
grooves that include triplet and syncopated rhythms.
Shuffle can also be called swing and is the technique of dividing the pulse of two beats
unequally with the first beat being longer in duration than the second by the shuffle amount.
This technique produces a completely new “feel” to patterns and is often used in genres such
as jazz and funk.
The preset grooves are designed to have the 16 steps of the sequencer divided into 4 as
seperate rhythms but still keep in time. Therefore they work best when a pattern has the
main pulse (eg. bass and snare) on steps 1, 5, 9 and 13 (four to the floor) with the accented
instuments (eg hi hats etc) on the other steps.
VOLUME controls the headphone volume only, not the line out.