| 11
Figure 8 Master Equalization
Figure 8 show us a master Eq setup wit
h a number of points added to the adjustment. More points can be added simply by
clicking on the graph.
Saving Setups & Presets
The DA will automatically save setups upon a shutdown of the MOST system. This needs to happen ‘gracefully’ as the user
cannot just pull power from the unit as this will not work.
The DA3 has four different presets and these can individually tuned. The channel mapping will remain across all four presets
and will also apply default filter setups to the speakers to avoid speaker damage.
You can save a backup of all of your Presets by simply clicking the ‘File Button’ on the top menu and then ‘Save As’. This will
save a backup of your setup across all four presets and this file can be used to load in saved settings.
Figure 9 Saving Tuned Settings