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Time Source Priority configuration
DTS 4210.timecenter Moser-Baer AG
1 Source Priority1 GNSS
2 Source Priority2 NONE
3 Source Priority3 NONE
4 Source Priority4 NONE
5 Source Priority5 NONE
6 Source Priority6 NONE
10 Priority Mode manual
98 Return and save
99 Return and discard changes
Enter desired menu number>
Path: 2 Configuration
2 Time handling
1 General source setting
Source configuration
(1-6)Source PriorityX
0=NONE, 1=GNSS, 2=Redundant Link, 3=PTP,
4=HQ-DCF 5=E1
10 Priority Mode
0 = auto: In this mode the device makes the priority of the
sources and not the user. In this case the rating of the
source is the priority.
1 = manual: The configured priorities are used to check
which source has to be active.