M I L L E N N I U M M E D I C A L P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Lower the BOOM and connect the straps of the FABRIC STRETCHER SLING to the four (4) END
HOOKS on the SPREADER BAR. Make sure the 70” long TUBES are properly installed in each side of
Conduct a “
Tilt Check
” by lifting the patient slightly off the bed so all weight has been transferred to
the STRETCHER LIFTING SYSTEM. If the weight of the patient is not centered or evenly distributed,
the sling/patient combination will tilt slightly to the right or left. If a tilt is observed, lower the patient to
the bed and move the location of the 2” square tube by moving it, on the MCGL, in the opposite
direction of the tilt. Then repeat the above procedure until the patient/sling combination is
approximately level.
A spring-loaded locking plunger, on one side of the MCGL, is used with a series of eleven holes in the
2” square tube that secures it in fixed positions on the tube. The MCGL, which is normally positioned in
the center hole of the 2” square tube, can therefore be moved 5” left or right of center in one-inch
To reposition the 2” square tube, pull the knob of the locking plunger outward. It can be locked in the
extracted position by rotating the knob left or right. Move the 2” square tube one inch to the next hole
opposite the tilt direction. At this point, unlock the plunger to engage this hole in the 2” square tube. In
this new position, conduct another tilt check.
Several tilt checks may be necessary until a very minimal tilt of the STRETCHER LIFTING SYSTEM
is observed. In this condition, the sling/patient is easily maneuvered to position the patient for transfer.