M I L L E N N I U M M E D I C A L P R O D U C T S , I N C .
c) LIFT ACTUATOR does not operate
If the LIFT ACTUATOR does not move the BOOM up or down, when depressing the HANDSET
buttons, the cause is usually improper installation of the LIFT ACTUATOR CABLE.
If the connector is not fully engaged, LIFT ACTUATOR will not function and a clicking sound
will be audible in the CONTROLLER.
This cable has a jack with a rubber O-Ring that produces substantial drag when attempting to plug
it into the receptacle of the CONTROLLER. This drag often prevents full engagement of the jack.
In addition, the black or LIGHT GRAY SECURITY LOCK STRIP that “locks” in all the cable
connectors to the CONTROLLER must be completely removed when installing the jack so it does
not interfere with the installation.
Before installing the LIFT ACTUATOR CABLE, apply a small amount of lubricant on the O-Ring
of the jack. Next, assure that the SECURITY LOCK STRIP is out of the way. Then push the jack
all the way home into the appropriate CONTROLLER receptacle (Refer to Figure 6, Position 5). If
the O-Ring of the LIFT ACTUATOR jack is not visible when viewing the CONTROLLER
connector, the jack is properly installed.
Controller requires re-initialization
Safe Mode
operating anomalies indicating the need for CONTROLLER re-initialization include:
will not extend and/or spread, with the BOOM centered.
BOOM will not rotate from center to left and/or right, with the LEGS
extended and spread.
CONTROLLER beeping in the
Safe Mode
, while operating an actuator, and the
voltage is
not low or when the 115 Volt AC POWER CORD is plugged in.
The LIFT ACTUATOR is the only operating actuator. This actuator operates independently of the
Safe Mode
In the event that re-initialization is required, contact MILLENNIUM MEDICAL PRODUCTS Technical
Support and specific guidance and directions will be provided.