22. Hardware and Firmware Versions
The hardware and firmware versions of the VM30-H are coded as follows:
HH is the hardware version marking major hardware changes
hhh is the hardware sub-version marking minor hardware changes
FF is the firmware version marking major firmware changes
fff is the firmware sub-version marking minor firmware changes
You may identify the hardware and firmware version when you press the INFO key.
The complete version code including the sub-versions can be found in the menu
“8/8 Device settings” / “4/6: Factory settings”.
23. Firmware Update
This function is used to replace the instrument's firmware with a newer version.
Use this function carefully! All settings you have made will get lost. Before starting the
update process, the old firmware will be erased. Consequently the instrument will not
function until installing new firmware.
Please go to our web site
to check availability of a newer firmware version than the one installed on your VM30-H. You
may check the installed version in the menu “8/8 Device settings” / “4/6: Factory settings”.
At first you need to download the program “MMF Firmware Updater” and to install it on your
PC. This update utility runs under all Windows versions.
After this, download the firmware file vm30-h.hex from our web site and save it in your
working directory.
Connect your VM30-H via a serial interface cable to your PC. If your PC has no serial interface,
you may use the supplied USB/RS-232 converter. Please verify that this converter is recognized
as COM port in the device manager of your PC.
Start the “MMF Firmware Updater” from the Windows start menu.
Select the instrument name (VM30-H) from the pull-down menu.
Click the button “Load a” and load the firmware file vm30-h.hex from your working directory.
Select the COM port of your PC where you have connected the cable or the USB converter.
At the VM30-H select the menu “8/8: Device settings” and the sub-menu “5/5: Firmware
update”. If you confirm the subsequent warnings by OK, the old firmware will be erased and the
VM30-H will be waiting for data from the serial interface.
Figure 32: Firmware update utility