MLB-G3001 Terminal User Guide
Rev 1.1
<passwd> is for authentication, 32 octets. Can be set as part of "address"
or separately by <srvParmTag> parameter "passwd".
1. HTTP service
- "0" or "get": Send HTTP GET request to server
- "1" or "post": Send HTTP POST request to server
- "2" or "head": Send HTTP HEAD request to server
2. FTP service
- get [offset]: get a single file from FTP server.
- put [offset]: send a single file to FTP server.
- dir: List the directory on the FTP server and show file size.
- list: List the directory on the FTP server without showing file size.
- fget: Get multiple files listed in <srvParmTag> parameter "files".
- fput: Send multiple files listed in<srvParmTag> parameter "files".
- size: Request the size of the file element on the FTP server. The size
result is output as "^SIS" URC.
- del: Delete a file on FTP server
- append: Append data to existing file on FTP server
- unique: Selects the FTP Store Unique command to create a file name
unique to the current directory. If the file name is assigned by the server
then the "^SIS" URC will appear, indicating <urcInfoId> 2100 and the file name.
"offset" is an optional parameter for "get" and "put". It allows resuming a broken uplink
or downlink transfer to resend data. The <OffsetString> value specifies the offset in
number of octets to start the transfer from. Maximum length is 16 digits. For "get" the
<OffsetString> value must be calculated from the <urcInfoId> 2100 of the "^SIS" URC
requested before by using "size".
3. SMTP service
- files: send multiple files listed in the <srvParmTag> parameter "files". Max. 5 files
- at: send a single attachment to the server.