MLB-G3001 Terminal User Guide
Rev 1.1
< srvParmValue >
Parameter value; type and supported content depend on related <srvParmTag>.
< srvParmValue − srvType >
Supported Internet service type values in <srvParmValue> for <srvParmTag> value "srvType".
Before changing the "srvType" of an existing service profile be sure that the profile is closed. To verify the
connection state of the service profile enter the read command AT^SISI. Only when <srvState>=2 is returned for
this specific service profile you can change its service type.
MLB-G3001 acting as client or server (listener) for TCP or UDP. "etx" subparameter in
URL configures Transparent mode for Socket service.
If MLB-G3001 is TCP listener at least two service profiles are required. The first socket
profile must be configured as listener. The second service profile will be dynamically
assigned when a socket connection request from a remote client is incoming. For this
purpose, one service profile must be left free (= not configured with AT^SISS). An
incoming socket connection request will be indicated by the "^SIS" URC, with the next
free <srvProfileId> shown inside the URC as parameter <urcInfoId>. The connection
request can be accepted or rejected by using the commands AT^SISO or AT^SISC and
the ID retrieved from the "^SIS".
MLB-G3001 acting as FTP client.
MLB-G3001 acting as HTTP client.
MLB-G3001 acting as SMTP client.
Reset Internet service profile settings. Operation is not allowed if profile is in use, i.e. it
was activated via AT^SISO.
< srvParmValue − alphabet >
Parameter not supported