MLB-G3001 Terminal User Guide
Rev 1.1
Path on the local FFS. Specifies drive prefix and pathname.
Optional for FTP. Mandatory for SMTP.
Default: AT^SISS=<srvProfileId>,"path","file:///a:".
Specifies the path of the remote FTP server after login. If no path is set the default path
will be used.
Specifies single or multiple files:
• Single file for upload to or download from servers in case of HTTP, FTP or SMTP.
• List of files located on the FFS when "cmd" parameter is given with parameters "fput",
"fget" or "files". Maximum 5 files can be handled, separated by comma.
Optional parameter for HTTP method "Post".
Length: 0...254
Can be used to transfer a small amount of data. The content of this string will
only be sent if "hcContLen" = 0.
To transmit a larger amount of data "hcContLen" must be set to a non-zero value. In this
case the "hcContent" string will be ignored, and data transmission from the client to the
server is done with AT^SISW.
Mandatory parameter if HTTP "post" is set with <srvParmTag> parameter "cmd".
Length: 0...
The content length shall be set in the header of the HTTP "Post" request before the data
part is transferred.
If "hcContLen" = 0 then the data given in the "hcContent" string will be posted.
If "hcContLen" > 0 then the AT^SISW command will be used to send data from the client
to the server. In this case, "hcContLen" specifies the total amount of data to be sent. The
data can be sent in one or several parts. For each part, the transmission is triggered by
the URC "^SISW: x, 1", then the AT^SISW write command can be executed. Data
trasmission must be terminated with end-ofdata flag: AT^SISW=x,0,1>. See <eodFlag>
for more information.
hcUsrAgent The user agent string must be set by the application to identify the mobile. Usually
operation system and software version info is set with this browser identifier.
Length: 0...254
Parameter for several HTTP settings.