MKS Instruments UK Ltd
Cirrus2 Hardware Manual – SP101017.100 June 2011
The Cirrus2 is a purpose built bench top quadrupole mass spec for gas monitoring at atmospheric pressure.
Incorporating the latest Cirrus2 hardware, the Cirrus2 has been designed to meet all the traditional requirements for a
bench top RGA sensor, but offers data collection speeds in the milliseconds, even over the full dynamic range -
unachievable with previous technologies.
Analogue and digital interfaces are provided for integrated systems and future technologies.
The Cirrus2 is designed to be operated in several ways:
From a host computer – an IBM compatible PC or MAC running the MKS Process Eye Professional or EasyView
software package.
PC or MAC using a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Safari, or,
Integration into existing systems controlling through the use of the ASCII protocol command set.
This manual focuses on the Cirrus2 hardware and should be used in conjunction with the relevant user interface manual
during installation.
Any required network communications cards should be installed and configured prior to installing the Cirrus2, or RGA
software if supplied.