MKS Instruments UK Ltd
Cirrus2 Hardware Manual – SP101017.100 June 2011
Assigning a static IP Address
If you are connecting to a network where static IP addresses are used, or connecting directly to your PC or MAC and
wish to use fixed addressing, you will need to assign an address to the Cirrus2
To help you understand this scenario, the following explanation may be of use:
You have your standalone or networked PC / MAC configured to use a fixed IP address, for example When
the Cirrus2 is connected to the network, it will “ask” to be assigned an IP address from a DHCP server, as one will not be
present in this type of network, the Cirrus2 will use a default address in the range 169.254.xxx.xxx.
Because the host PC and Cirrus2 are on entirely different IP ranges, communication between the two is impossible. We
must issue the Cirrus2 with an IP address in the same range as the host PC.
You will need to ask for an IP address and Subnet from your IT Specialist if you are installing on a network.
This is done using the RGA Device Manager Application found on the supplied MKS Utilities CD. This application does
not require installation, but you will require administrative privileges to make changes to the Windows Firewall exceptions
for the application to function correctly.
The RGA Device Manager application is designed to locate and retrieve information from any MKS RGA instrument,
networked or otherwise. It does this by sending out a network broadcast, asking for information from any MKS RGAs
discovered. It matters not that the host PC / MAC may be on an entirely different IP range than the Microvision2 . Once
connected by RGA Device Manager we can assign a new IP address to the Microvision2 .
Double-click the RGA Device Manager icon to start the application. After a few moments the following dialog appears
displaying a list of all discovered MKS RGA’s.
You will need to ask for an IP address and Subnet from your IT Specialist if you are installing on a network.
This is done using the RGA Device Manager Application found on the supplied MKS Utilities CD. This application does
not require installation, but you will require administrative privileges to make changes to the Windows Firewall exceptions
for the application to function correctly.
The RGA Device Manager application is designed to locate and retrieve information from any MKS RGA instrument,
networked or otherwise. It does this by sending out a network broadcast, asking for information from any MKS RGAs
discovered. It matters not that the host PC / MAC may be on an entirely different IP range than the Cirrus2
connected by RGA Device Manager we can assign a new IP address to the Cirrus2.