MKS Instruments UK Ltd
Cirrus2 Hardware Manual – SP101017.100 June 2011
Do not continue until you are certain of your network configuration
The following sections describe the different network connection options available to the user when installing the Cirrus2.
The Cirrus2 is to be connected to a network running
Option - Use Auto-IP
If the Cirrus2 is to be connected to a network where existing devices obtain their IP address automatically, then no further
configuration is required.
You can safely connect the Cirrus2 to your network.
The Cirrus2 is to be connected to a network running
Option - Use Auto-IP
If the Cirrus2 is to be connected to a network running BOOTP, then your IT Specialist will need to perform certain tasks
on the BOOTP Server to complete the installation.
Do not connect the Cirrus2 to your network without involving your IT specialist.
The Cirrus2 is to be connected to a network using
Static IP
See the Static IP Addressing section
For details on how to assign a static IP address to the Cirrus2, please see the guide on Page 23.
You will need to be allocated an IP address for use by your IT Specialist, or have them perform the installation for you.