Indic. Function
Default Ch
A01 Calibration
Adjusts the difference
between the real tempera-
ture and that measured by
the thermostat, the accu-
racy of which can depend
on both constructional and
environmental factors. It
is advisable to rely on the
detection of a thermometer
in use previously to regula-
te the precise temperature.
During the adjustment, the
temperature that will be
measured at the end of the
operation is displayed
From -9
°C to +
9 °C in
steps of
0.5 °C,
A02 Hysteresis
Establishes how much the
temperature must decrease
compared to that program-
med to cause the boiler to
ignite: too low a value could
lead to very close starts
and stops, generating
abnormal consumption
and possible failures; a too
high value, on the other
hand, would cause an
excessive variability of the
ambient temperature with a
reduction in comfort
1 °C to
5 °C in
steps of
1 °C
1° C