Congratulations on your purchase of a HD-101R Pro24 Tile Saw. We are certain that you will be
pleased with your purchase. MK Diamond takes pride in producing the finest construction power
tools and diamond blades in the industry.
Operated correctly, your HD-101R Pro24 should provide you with years of service. In order to help
you, we have included this manual. This owners manual contains information necessary to operate
and maintain your HD-101R Pro24 Tile Saw safely and correctly. Please take a few minutes to
familiarize yourself with the saw by reading and reviewing this manual.
If you should have questions concerning your saw, please feel free to call our friendly customer
service department at: 800 421-5830
MK Diamond
noTe THiS inFoRMaTion FoR FUTURe USe:
MoDel nUMBeR:
SeRial nUMBeR:
noTe: For your (3) three year warranty to be effective, complete the warranty
card (including the Serial Number) and mail it in as soon as possible.