An example of sending a TYPE command to the Uniflow 2: <soh>”01TY0009E”<eot>
The Unit’s address is “01”
The command: “TY”
The Count is: “000”
The check sum is “9E”. Which is calculated from the ASCII (American Standard code for
information interchange) and is a two charter ASCII HEX string calculated from the sum of all
bytes except <soh>, <cksum>, and <eot>. ‘0’ + ‘1’ + ‘T’ + ‘Y’ + ‘0’ + ‘0’ + ‘0’
Looking up the value for each character, We get 0x30 + 0x31 + 0x54 + 0x59 + 0x30 + 0x30 +
0x30 = 0x19E HEX
In decimal 48 + 49 + 84 + 89 + 48 + 48 + 48 = 414 decimal.
The check sum is a value between 0 and 255; Therefore, 414 – 255*n = 158 decimal = 19E hex.
Where n = (check sum / 255). Here it is only 1.
If the check sum were 9C4 hex = 2500 decimal. Then n = 2500 / 256 = 9.7.
Using only the hole number n = 9
The final check sum is (2500 – (256 * 9)) = 196 decimal.
A better way is to take the final check sum and AND it with 255 (0x0FF).
In hex, taking the final check sum 0x9C4 and ANDing it with 0xFF = 0xC4, or in decimal 2500
AND 255 = 196.
Now we wish to change the profile we are on to number 5.
The command would be: <soh>“01LS00205F7”<eot>. “01” is the unit address, “LS” is the
command, “002” is the count, 05 is the new profile to go to, and “F7” is the check sum.
Calculating the checksum in HEX we get 0x30 + 0x 31 + 0x4C + 0x53 + 0x30 + 0x30 + 0x32 +
0x30 + 0x35 = 0x1F7 HEX. ANDing it with 0xFF yields a checksum of 0xF7.
In decimal 48 + 49 + 76 + 83 + 48 + 48 + 50 + 48 + 53 = 503.
503 / 256 = 1.96. Therefore the check sum is 503 – (256*1) = 247 decimal or F7 hex.
We wish to set the security. The Command is:
<soh>“01SS0141234321,1,0,112”<eot>. “01” is the unit address. “SS” is the set security
command. “014” is the count. “1234321,” is the password. “1,” is Profile lock ON. “0,” is System
lock OFF. “1” is Profile Tune Lock ON. And “12” is the check sum. The check sum is 412 HEX
ANDed with 0xFF is 12.