Other Cautions
Never Modify Engine
Unauthorized modification of the engine will void our
Modification of the engine may not only cause engine
damage but also produce personal injuries.
If there is a need to modify the engine, contact a
dealer of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Observe Safety Rules at Work
Observe the safety rules established at your work-
place when operating and maintaining the engine.
Do not operate the engine if you are not feeling well,
and inform your supervisor of your condition. Opera-
tion of the engine with reduced awareness may cause
improper operation that could result in accidents.
When working in a team for two or more people, use
specified hand signals to communicate among work-
Work Clothing and Protective
Wear a hardhat, face shield, safety shoes, dust mask,
gloves, ear plugs and other protective gear as
needed. When handling compressed air, wear safety
goggles, a hardhat, gloves and other necessary pro-
tective gear. Working without wearing proper protec-
tive gear could result in serious injuries.
Never Break Seals
To ensure proper engine operation, the fuel control
links are sealed to prevent accidental change of the
injection volume and rotation speed settings. If the
seal is tampered, no guarantee will be provided. If the
seal is tampered, the defects shown below can occur.
Rapid wear of sliding and rotating parts
Engine damage such as seizing of engine parts
Considerably increased consumption of fuel and lu-
bricating oil
Degradation of engine performance due to improper
balance between fuel injection volume and governor
operation or overrunning of the engine which could re-
sult in a serious accident.
Perform All Specified Pre-oper-
ation Inspections and Periodic
Conduct the pre-operation inspections and periodic
inspections as described in this manual.
Failure to conduct the specified inspections may
cause various engine problems, damage to parts, and
serious accidents.
Break-in the Engine
To break-in new engines or overhauled engines, oper-
ate the engine at a speed lower than the rated speed
in a light load condition during the first 50 hours of
Operating new engines or overhauled engines in a
severe condition during the break-in period shortens
the service life of the engine.
Warm-up the Engine Before
After starting the engine, run the engine at a low idling
speed for 5 to 10 minutes for warming-up. Start the
work after this operation is completed. Warm-up oper-
ation circulates the lubricant around the engine, and
thereby, individual engine parts are well lubricated
before they are subjected to heavy loads.
Warm-up operation circulates lubricant oil around the
engine and contributes to a longer service life and
economical operation.
Do not conduct warm-up operation for prolonged
period of time. Prolonged warm-up operation causes
carbon build-up in the cylinders that leads to incom-
plete combustion.
Never Operate the Engine in an
Overloaded Condition
If the engine shows an overloaded condition such as
black exhaust smoke, reduce the load immediately to
operate the engine at an appropriate output and load.
Overloading causes not only high fuel consumption
but also excessive carbon deposits inside the engine.
Carbon deposits cause various problems and will
shorten the service life of the engine.