General Definition of Engine................7-2
Periodic Maintenance Chart for
Regular Use Engine ............................7-3
Periodic Maintenance Chart for
Emergency Engine ..............................7-5
Periodic Maintenance Chart for
General Purpose Engine .....................7-9
Chapter 8
Basic Engine........................................8-1
Engine External - Inspect ................................. 8-1
Belt and Belt Tension - Inspect and Adjust ...... 8-2
Damper - Inspect.............................................. 8-4
Fuel System.........................................8-6
Fuel System - Inspect ...................................... 8-6
Fuel Tank - Clean............................................. 8-6
Fuel Tank - Drain Water................................... 8-6
Water Separator - Drain Water ........................ 8-7
Water Separator Element - Replace ................ 8-7
Gauze Filter - Clean ......................................... 8-8
Fuel Filters (Wire-element Type)
- Drain Water................................................... 8-9
Inside of Fuel Filters (Wire-element Type)
- Clean............................................................. 8-9
Fuel Filter - Replace....................................... 8-10
Fuel Control Link Ball Joint - Inspect.............. 8-11
Fuel Pipe - Inspect ......................................... 8-12
Lubricating System ............................8-13
Engine Oil, Oil Filter and Bypass Oil Filter
- Replace....................................................... 8-13
Engine Oil for Mixing of Fuel and Water
- Inspect ........................................................ 8-15
Governor Oil Filter - Change .......................... 8-16
Oil Pipe - Inspect............................................ 8-16
Cooling System .................................8-17
Coolant - Change ........................................... 8-17
Radiator Fins - Check and Clean ................... 8-19
Inlet and Exhaust Systems ................8-20
Turbocharger - Inspect................................... 8-20
Exhaust Muffler - Drain Water........................ 8-20
Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging ................... 8-21
Air Cleaner Element - Clean, Check and
Replace .......................................................... 8-22
Electrical System ...............................8-24
Starter - Inspect.............................................. 8-25
Alternator - Inspect......................................... 8-25
Air Starter System............................. 8-26
Air Strainer - Drain Water and Clean.............. 8-26
Air Tank - Drain Water ................................... 8-26
Air Tank - Inspect Safety Valve Operation ..... 8-27
Chapter 9
Storing the Engine in an Inoperable
Condition for 3 Months or More .......... 9-1
Preparation for Storage.................................... 9-1
Maintenance During Storage ........................... 9-1
Using the Engine After Storage........................ 9-2
Storing the Engine in an Operable
Condition for 3 Months or More .......... 9-2
Operating the Engine for Maintenance ............ 9-2
Chapter 10
Lifting the Engine .............................. 10-1
Chapter 11
General Precautions ......................... 11-1
Contact a Dealer of Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Ltd. for Repair Service .................. 11-1
Considerations Before Work .......................... 11-1
Cautions Against Contamination.................... 11-1
Cautions Regarding Parts Handling ............... 11-1
Safety Work.................................................... 11-1
Case of Problems, and
Conceivable Causes and Remedies. 11-2
The Starter Does Not Crank or Cranks Slowly,
Resulting in Start Failure ................................ 11-2
The Starter Cranks, but the Engine Does Not
Start................................................................ 11-3
Output Decrease ............................................ 11-4
Exhaust Smoke is White or Blue .................... 11-5
Exhaust Smoke is Black or Charcoal ............. 11-6
Fuel Consumption is High .............................. 11-7
Engine Oil Consumption is High .................... 11-8
Overheating.................................................... 11-9
Low Engine Oil Pressure................................ 11-9
When Fuel has Run Out ................. 11-10