General Advice
The heat pump comes with a controller which looks like this, you
should not use this or press the buttons, it is used for commissioning
and fault diagnosing the system only.
If the system goes into fault, the screen will show a number The
green light flash. The engineer will want to know this number when
you call.
Please avoid turning the unit off at the power supply especially in
cold weather. If the unit is off and the weather is very cold, it cannot
protect itself and your warranty will be at risk.
Hot Water
The unit it set up to maintain the water between 43 and 50°C all the
As you use the water the heat pump will constantly top up the
cylinder. The hot water cylinder has priority over the heating, if the
cylinder temperature falls 5 degrees below its set point the unit will
automatically switch to heating the cylinder. This should take less
than an hour.
Once set temperature is achieved the unit will go back to heating the
house. The hot water cylinder loses almost no heat (1/3 a degree an
hour) if no hot water is used.
An anti-legionella / disinfection operation will be completed at a 3am
every Wednesday morning. The unit will heat the cylinder with the
immersion to 60°C, the hot water will be hotter on a Wednesday
morning than the rest of the week.
If you don’t require 24/7 hot water It is possible to time clock the hot
water to reduce costs, the timer video on you tube will show you
how to do this.
Running your machine efficiently
It is very expensive to heat the house up from cold, with a heat pump the best advice is to maintain the house at as
close to constant temperature as possible all the time. Please DON’T set the room temperature too low when you leave
the house, ideally drop it 2 degrees below your normal set temperature when you go out or it will take a long time and
a lot of money to recover.
To switch off the heating in summer set the thermostats down to 16°C to avoid the heating starting up. Your radiators
will have thermostatic valves on them, you can adjust each room’s temperature with these.
Handover of the System
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27/10/2019 15:13:56