T e c h n i c a l I n f o m a t i o n
Fitting a new drive
Follow the instructions as regards removing the system cover, as
detailed earlier in this chapter. Observe anti-static precautions at all
times when the system’s cover is removed.
Apricot Computers Ltd. test many components from a wide variety of
manufacturers and all of our upgrade parts are fully guaranteed. The quality
or compatibility of components supplied from any other source cannot be
Read through these instructions and make sure that they are
understood before commencing work:
Loosen the screws holding the floppy drive assembly, slide it
towards the rear of the system and lift it out. It may be necessary
to temporarily disconnect drive cables. Take careful note of how
they are fitted.
Locate and loosen the four screws that hold the 5.25 drive
assembly into the system, slide it back and lift it out. Take care
with screw No 2 and the earthing wire it holds.