(2) Extended transmission distance in CC-Link system
Use of AJ65BTS-RPH enables the transmission distance of the CC-
Link system to be extended.
In addition, use of multiple modules enables the transmission
distance of the CC-Link system to be extended up to 2 stages.
*1 Max. transmission distance at a transmission speed of 156kbps.
*2 Though it is not shown here, the other remote stations can be
connected between the repeaters.
(3) Energy saving realized by adoption of a spring clamp terminal block
(a) The AJ65BTS-RPH has adopted a spring clamp terminal block.
Because screw tightening is not needed, working steps can be
(b) The terminal block can be installed to or removed from the
module, which reduces the maintenance cost and improves the
(c) All the operation and wiring parts are placed on the module front,
allowing easier operation and wiring.
(4) Improved maintenability by system separation
By using the AJ65BTS-RPH, any of the systems can be separated
and error location can be identified quickly.
This prevents the whole system from being seriously affected by an
Branch lines with no error can send/receive data normally, not
influenced by each other.
Remote I/O
Repeater (AJ65BTS-RPH)
Extended to 3.6km (11811.02ft.) max !!
1st stage
2nd stage
Master station