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6.10 Debug Stand
The debug stand is used to secure the GOT in a standing position so that the monitor
screen data may be debugged easily.
6.10.1 Debug stand types
The following debug stand types are available.
Debug stand for A985GOT(-V)
Debug stand for A975/970/960GOT
6.10.2 Mounting procedure
Adjust at
45°, 55°, 65° or 75°.
Angle adjusting screw
A960GOT mounting surface
mounting surface
1) The used mounting surface of the debug stand
depends on the GOT mounted.
For the A9GT-70STAND, note that the mounting
surface used changes with the GOT mounted.
(The figure on the left shows that the
A975/970GOT is mounted)
2) Adjust the GOT mounting angle with the angle
adjusting screw of the debug stand.
3) Put the GOT into the front face of the debug
stand and mount it on the debug stand with the
mounting fixtures of the GOT main unit.
Refer to [Section 6.1.2] for the installation
method using the mounting fixtures of the GOT
main unit.