Should it become necessary to upgrade the Converter firmware, a file will be provided by
MITEQ for this purpose. Firmware upgrade is accomplished via File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Numerous FTP client programs are available, or MSIE may be used for this purpose. If MISE is
being used, be sure to enable the FTP feature on the TOOLS|INTERNET
Firmware Upgrade must be enabled on the MISC web page before beginning. Once it is set,
connect to the Converter via FTP. If using MSIE, enter the command:
“ftp://<assigned IP address>”
The user will be prompted for a user ID and password. The user ID is always “MITEQ”, and the
password will be the assigned system password.
No files will be visible in the FTP server directory. Upload the file provided (if using MSIE, by
dragging and dropping into the IE window), and wait for the upload to complete. The file will
NOT be visible in the FTP file name list or window after loading. The firmware upgrade will
begin when the FTP connection is broken, and may take as long as 15 seconds, during which it
will be impossible to connect to the Converter.
After the upgrade, it will be necessary to log in again. The new firmware version will be visible
on the login page.