Reception phone
Mitel 6873 SIP
eud-1744/1.4 – R5.0 HF2 – 10.2017
Reception phone
Your phone becomes a reception phone if your system administrator
has defined the phone in the system as a reception phone and has
configured the basic settings.
If your phone is configured as a reception phone, it can also work as
an operator console if your system administrator has configured it
that way. The system administrator can configure up to six operator
keys on your reception phone. Contact your system administrator for
more information. Once an operator key is configured on the recep-
tion phone and there is an incoming call to the operator key, the icon
showing the number of calls in the operator queue appears in the top
status line of the phone. For more information about how to operate
an operator phone, see the section "Operator phone", page 93.
As a receptionist, it is your responsibility to ensure that a guest checks in
and checks out without any problem. You can manage check-in, check-
out, and many other settings and actions for your guest on your phone.
Your reception phone provides you with a room list, options for managing
wake-up calls, and notifications along with options that facilitate a number
of general hotel administrative tasks.
Display symbols
The reception phone displays a host of informative icons. Following are
the icons displayed and their descriptions.
Room free
Room occupied
Room not cleaned
Wake-up call pending
Wake-up call expired
Room cleaned and inspected
Room cleaned but not
Room free for a group
Room occupied by a member
of a group