These are your utilities that are available for your printer, and this is what they’re used for:
PostScript Driver for Me/
This driver gives you access to all of the printer features, including
finishing, color management, and advanced layout on the Windows
Me/98/95 platform. It is designed to be both feature-rich while versa-
tile and easy to use.
PostScript Driver for 2000/
This driver gives you access to all of the printer features, including
finishing, color management, and advanced layout on the Windows
2000/NT4 platform. It is designed to be both feature-rich while versa-
tile and easy to use.
PostScript Printer
These PPD files allow you to install the printer for a variety of plat-
forms, drivers, and applications.
Print Monitor for Windows
This Windows utility gives an efficient serverless method for trans-
porting print jobs directly to a MINOLTA-QMS printer via the TCP/IP
protocol. the Print Monitor functions on Windows Me/98/95 as well
as Windows 2000/NT4.
Profile Downloader
This utility allows the user to download color profiles from a Windows
workstation to the printer’s hard disk.
This utility, designed with users in mind, is an HTML-based web
page, residing in the MINOLTA-QMS printer, that provides printer
status, job status, and printer configuration information via a web
browser from any platform.
This utility, designed with administrators in mind, is a powerful tool
allowing centralized management of all the Crown printers on your
network. It is available for WIndow, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms.
UNIX Host Software
The UNIX Host Software, compatible with a variety of UNIX plat-
forms, allows for the customization of UNIX-based queues and filters
for the specific features of the Crown printer.
Printer Utility for the
This utility provides common management tasks for Crown printers
from a Macintosh platform, such as naming printer, downloading of
fonts, and configuration.