• Silence
• Ringtone only
• Vibration Only
• Ringtone and vibration
This function is only available for Android devices.
- Format microSD card
This option can be found on the lower part of the advanced Configuration menu.
Press the “Format microSD card” button and confirm.
WARNING: All the data on the microSD card will be deleted if you format it.
- Device information
In this section you will find information about the device: Model, software version,
Company, total space and free space.
d) See camera
On the list of cameras, click on the camera you wish to view and the image will
If the camera appears to be 'Disconnected', you will need to connect it again. To do
this, click on the (Android) / symbol on the camera list for the camera you wish to
configure and select the Reconnect option.
e) Silence/ Listen to the baby /Talk to the baby
Whilst you are viewing the image transmitted by the camera, you can choose between
the listening to the baby, talking to the baby or silence options.
To choose between silence or to keep listening to the baby, press the icon / .
If what you want to do is to talk to the baby, press the icon and talk on the Tablet or
Smartphone. When you press this icon, the silence mode will be selected
automatically and when you deactivate it, you will return to the mode you were in
Whilst you are viewing the image transmitted by the camera, you can choose between
the listening to the baby, talking to the baby or silence options.
With this in mind, you must press the icon, or, depending on the current
mode it is in. When you press, a dropdown list will open with the “Silence”, “Listening”
and “Speaking” options. Choose the one you want at that time.
On the lower right-hand part, the mode it is in will appear.
- Silence
- Listening
- Speaking
NOTE: Bear in mind that you won't be able to hear the baby while the icon is
selected. To hear the baby, deactivate it again.
f) Pan & Tilt the camera
If you want to turn the camera, just drag your finger along the picture in the opposite
You can turn the camera up, down, left or right.