REVISION A (09/2017)
The menu should have closed and been replaced with a smaller status box accompanied by another box en tled
‘In circuit programming’, see ‘Fig 1’. Ensure the PCB and the pogos have formed a connec on by applying light pressure
to the PCB taking care to not cause any bending. Select the ‘OK’ bu?on, this will start the device programming process.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Providing the connec on is maintained throughout, the info box will turn certain areas green to indicate the device has
successfully programmed, see ‘Fig 2’.
If a failure occurs refer to the fault resolu on sec on, page 6.
The device is now ready for tes ng, if there are other PCBs that require programming, repeat the steps.
See page TESTING METHODS SECTION for tes ng instruc ons.