Power Management
Use this to select display ‘Display Backlight’ (-7, 6 is
the default), ‘Display off timeout’ (default is ‘never’),
and ‘Device off timeout’ (default is ‘Never off’, but
consider setting it to a shorter period if there is a
chance you might fall asleep, etc.)
Adjust the maximum brightness of each LED color,
both left and right. Default is 00% for all LEDs.
Adjust left/right balance, Line-in Level, AUX/INT Mix Vol
and Volume Max.
The Volume Max is preset to a safe hearing level. This
value is the highest volume that will be displayed on
the volume indicator.
KBS is another Kasina session type. See the KBS
reference information at www.mindplacesupport.com
for more details.
This screen provides technical details about your
Kasina - you may be asked to provide some of these
details in the event that you require support.
Where to find your Kasina serial number
In the Settings section, select Service. Your serial
number follows the letters SN.
There are various software tools available for creating
your own Kasina sessions.
See www.mindplacesupport.com for further details
and downloads.