While a session is playing you will notice that the
active mode is displayed. You can toggle Mode
SpectraStr/AS by pressing the Up button. If you are
playing AudioStrobe content, then the Colorsets
govern the colors you see, and can be stepped
through by pressing the Down button.
At the top right of the Kasina display you will see
the battery condition indicator. When connected to a
power source (AC power supply or PC USB port) the
indicator will repeatedly “fill” from right to left. When
using Kasina away from a power source, the indicator
will show approximate remaining charge.
You generally won’t need to visit this menu very often,
instead using it to tweak various parameters. When
you select or change something, be sure to press the
Select button to save them. The options are:
Use this menu to select which language is used
for the various Kasina menus. This does not affect
session names, which are in English.
Show File Extensions turns on or off the display of
filename extensions.
Play Countdown changes the default Play countdown.
Button Backlight changes the color of the LEDs under
the Control Pad.