Installation of Kebab MkII system
Installation of Kebab MkII system
Attach Kebab MkII/Kebab MkII L system
Each of Kebab MkII/Kebab MkII L system is usable for the following printers respectively.
Attach Kebab MkII system on UJF-3042MkIIseries
Attach Kebab MkII system to UJF-3042MkIIseries matching its position with the diameter of the work drawn by the
Turn OFF the main power of the printer main unit.
Open the front cover.
Remove the table by lifting up.
Depending on the diameter of the work,
use the sustaining shaft of the number
shown in the table.
Device Name
Corresponding Printer
Kebab MkII
UJF-3042MkII, UJF-3042MkII EX, UJF-3042MkIIe, UJF-3042MkIIe EX
Kebab MkII L
UJF-6042MkII, UJF-6042MkIIe
UJF-7151 plus, UJF-7151plusII
• Lift the table vertically by holding its both
Diameter of
work to use
Number of
sustaining shaft
more than 10 mm and less
than 65 mm
1 pc
65mm ~ 110mm
0 pc