Sperian Fall Protection Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, D-95015 Hof-Bayern, Postfach 16 46, T49/92 81/3 02-0, T49/92 81/36 26, [email protected], www.fall-protection.com
Sperian Fall Protection Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, D-95015 Hof-Bayern, Postfach 16 46, T49/92 81/3 02-0, T49/92 81/36 26, [email protected], www.fall-protection.com
Safety in Action
Safety in Action
If using:
• a safety rope with EN 355 fall arrester, attach this to the back eyelet of the safety harness
in accordance with the instructions.
The fall arrester must always be on the body side!
• a travelling fall arrester with flexible guide, use only equipment that the manufacturer has
guaranteed will also function in the planned direction of strain.
The runner is to be inserted in the guide rail and the user may attach to the runner only
when he is in a position secured against falls. Before removing the runner or detaching
from the lanyard, (safety line, guided type fall arrester) safety against falls has to be
otherwise provided.
C 1.
Mounting/removing the runner
Before removing the runner from the guide rail, you must take other measures to ensure
protection against falls.
D Maintenance
D 1. The regular maintenance of the "Söll-MultiRail runner" are to be performed considering the
legal regulations, the conditions of use and environmental conditions. Maintenance must be
performed by a compentent person, at least once a year.
A competent person for the maintenance of this equipment is
a person suitably trained or qualified by knowledge and practical experience to enable the
maintenance to be performed properly.
D 2. Regular maintenance is essential as the safety of the operator depends from the
effectiveness and durability of the equipment.
D 3.
Maintenance checklist
(see fig.3)
The checklist has to be completed and signed by a competent person by means of an
indelible pen.The single check points have to be marked respectively with "OK" or "D"
(defect) .The competent person is responsible for the accuracy of the information
provided therein. Check points marked with a "D" can be corrected by a competent
person only when the defect to be corrected concerns the removal of dirt (paint, mortar,
concrete) or when markings need to be cleaned. This procedure must be noted in the
annex of the check list (remarks), complete with date and signature of the competent
person. The due date of the next regular inspection must also be indicated.
In case the correction of defects requires a partial disassembling of the components, the
"Söll-MultiRail runner" must be returned to the manufacturer together with the manual and with
a relevant comments concerning the defect.