LV24- v6 Development System
1.0. Connecting the System to a PC
Step 1:
Follow the instructions provided in the relevant manuals and install the
program and USB drivers from the product CD.
USB drivers are essential for the proper operation of the on-board programmer.
In case you already have one of the Mikroelektronika’s dsPIC compilers installed on your PC, there is no need to reinstall USB drivers
as they are already installed along with the compiler.
Step 2:
Use the USB cable to connect the USB development system to a PC. One end of the USB cable, with a USB connector of B type,
should be connected to the development system, as shown in Figure 1-2, whereas the other end of the cable with a USB connector
of A
type should be connected to a PC. When establishing a connection, make sure that jumper J16 is placed in the USB position as
shown in Figure 1-1.
Step 3:
Turn on your development system by setting the POWER SUPPLY switch to the ON position. Two LEDs marked as POWER and USB
LINK will be automatically turned on indicating that your development system is ready to use. Use the on-board programmer and the
program to dump a code into the microcontroller and employ the system to test and develop your projects.
If some additional modules are used, such as LCD, GLCD etc, it is necessary to place them properly on the development
system while it is turned off. Otherwise, either can be permanently damaged. Refer to figure below for the proper placing of
the additional modules.
Figure 1-2
: Connecting USB cable
Figure 1-1:
Power supply
Figure 1-3:
Placing additional modules on the board
J16 power
supply selector
AC/DC connector
USB connector