LV24- v6 Development System
18.0. 128x64
Graphic LCD
128x64 graphic LCD (GLCD) is connected to the microcontroller via PORTB and PORTD ports and enables graphic content to be
displayed. It has the screen resolution of 128x64 pixels, which allows diagrams, tables and other graphic content to be displayed.
Potentiometer P2 is used for the GLCD display contrast adjustment. Switch 8 (GLCD-BCK) on the DIP switch SW17 is used to turn the
display backlight on/off. Port PORTB is also used for the operation of 2x16 LCD so that the displays cannot be used simultaneously.
Figure 18-3
: GLCD connection schematic
Figure 18-2
: GLCD connector
Figure 18-1
GLCD display connector
Touch panel connector
GLCD display backlight is on
Contrast adjustment