7.3.3 Warnings about pressure
If the pressure in the system decreases to P≤0.6 bar, the boiler
works normally, but diode indicating pressure measurements
starts to flash slowly (image 18). It is necessary to re-fill
installations up to P
≥0.7 bar in order to a stop automatic
If pressure increases up to P
≥2.2 bar, boiler work normally but
pressure measurements indicator starts to flash slowly (image
18). It is necessary to
reduce the pressure to P≤2.1 bar in order
to stop automatic flashing
If the pressure in system decreases on P≤0.3 bar, the boiler
turns off all heaters and pump (delayed for 2 min), and pressure
measuring indicator starts to flash quickly (image 19). It is
necessary to re-fill installation up to P
≥0.7 bar in order to stop
automatic flashing indicating this mistake and to continue
normal work of the boiler.
If the pressure in system increases on P
≥2.6 bar, the boiler
turns off all heaters and pump (delayed for 2 min), and pressure
measuring indicator starts to flash quickly. Display still shows
present temperature of the boiler (image 19). It is necessary to
reduce pressure to P≤2.1 bar in order to stop automatic
flashing indicating warning and to continue normal work of the
boiler according to the set values of parameters.
Pressure measurements are done by digital sensor integrated
in circular pump. If the sensor is stopped or in circuit break,
then all heaters and pump will turn off (delayed for 2 min), and
pressure measurements indicator starts to flash quickly.
Display still has present temperature of the boiler (image 19).
When select pressure using button
, instead its value
the display will show the code for mistake:
- Error Pressure
(image 20).
In this case it is necessary to put off power supply and call
authorised service to establish and remove the cause of the
Heating installation handling
Image 18:
Warning- pressure close to disabled value
Image 19:
– Exceeding enabled pressure value
Image 20:
Circuit break or pressure sensor break