User’s manual for Remote Unit MOR801B Power
Id.-No 151155
Page 47
Connecting fibre optic cables
The standard transmission of the optical signals is carried out by means of an optical fibre pair
for each Remote Unit.
Extreme care should be taken when connecting and disconnecting the
fibre optic cable. Scratches and dust significantly affect system
performance and may permanently damage the connector, necessitating
re-termination. Always use protective caps on fibre optic connectors and
receptacles when not used.
The structure of the cable is not critical. However, demands of the site as for example rodent
protection and so on have to be kept in mind.
The optical fibre is a single mode fibre. The type is E9/125 with the following minimum
< 0.3 dB/km @ 1300 nm
< 3.5 ps/nm*km @ 1300 nm
The allowed bending radius of the optical fibres must be kept by all means at any time.
The pig tails for the connection between Master and Remote Unit must have a sufficient
length. A protection for the feeding into units has to be given.
The system attenuation of the optical fibres including the connectors must not exceed 10 dB.
Less than 5 dB is desired.
The system attenuation and the attenuation of the opical components have to be determined.
This can be achieved by measuring the attenuation and the reflection with an appropriate
measuring instrument. For pig tails a total value of < 0.4 dB ( measured to a reference plug )
can be assumed due to the dead zone of the reflectometre. These measurements have to be
made with a sufficient length of optical fibre in front of and behind the device to be measured.
The fibre cables should be terminated with the same type of connector (DIN 8° or SC/APC
8°) as is used in the unit. The fibre optic cables are connected to the optical Transceiver and
Angled connectors are not compatible with straight optical connectors;
non-compatibility of connectors will result in permanent damage to both
waiting connectors.