User’s manual for Remote Unit MOR801B Power
Id.-No 151155
Page 22
2.9 4-way-Splitter
The 4-way-Splitter provides the RF-signal to the RF modules. It splits up the signal from the
Receiver and provides four equal RF outputs with an attenuation of 10 dB for the RF
modules. It is mounted underneath the Optical Transceiver and can be seen only, if the
Transceiver is dismounted.
figure 2-10 Top view of the 4-way-Splitter (Transceiver dismounted)
2.10 Measuring aids
With the built-in RF probe test signals can be applied or detected. The duplexer is equipped
with a probe which provides a coupling factor of 30 dB. This facilitates measurements under
all operational conditions, while an antenna or a dummy load may be connected.
The position of the coupler on the duplexer is shown in figure 2-5 Top view of the duplexer.
2.11 Power supply
For the MOR801B Power three power supplies are necessary.
Power supplies are available with different mains power. See list below for available power