User’s manual for Remote Unit MOR801B Power
Id.-No 151155
Page 25
3 Functions and features
3.1 Band and channel selectivity
The selectivity is achieved by highly selective filters in the IF part of the band / channel
3.2 Gain setting
The gain can be changed by introducing attenuation into the amplifier chain. By using a rotary
switch the attenuation can be adjusted locally in the range from 0 dB to 30 dB maximum in
steps of 2 dB. The attenuation can be set for the UL and DL path separately.
The rotary switches are mounted on the mother board. These switches are accessible through
the long hole between the two RF modules (see figure 3-1 Position of rotary switches). They
can be adjusted easily by means of a small screwdriver.
figure 3-1 Position of rotary switches
For remote control an RS232 interface can be used to set the gain.
The functions of the control module may be used locally by means of a VT100 terminal or a
personal computer emulating the VT100 terminal. See also chapter 7.2, which deals with
settings of operational parameters.
long hole