| Azotowa 15b | 41-503 Chorz
ów |
Poland | Tel./fax. 32 2899674 | email: [email protected] | www.mijar.eu |
After preparation for mounting, the device is to be placed in the designated room in accordance with the
system structure.
All inlets and outlets are to be
w ’ .
shown in the
following figure:
Connect the inlet (1) and outlet (2) to water supply;
Connect the e
( /2’) w (
3) and to a sewage
grating or a draining installation.
The sewage draining should be permeable enough to drain 5l/m of the flushing water. The draining
pipe should be stiff enough to avoid its breaking, which may cause blockage and result in the
overflow in the tank with the reagent as well as faulty regeneration process;
Before water softener should be used mechanical sediment filter to protect device from mechanical
damage caused by sediments from water pipes.
The brine tank of the water softening device is to be filled with salt tablets (max. filling 100 mm from
the upper edge of the brine tank). Next add 5 liters of water using buckets.
Check and tighten all fittings connecting the device.
Connect to electric Power socket.
The device is factory adjusted. The
fine tuning
is done by the user on site.
Before launching the current time should be set and the frequency of regeneration (1-12 days)
depending on water hardness and daily water consumption ( see table from page 5)
The Valve is preset for the regeneration at 2 a.m. every sixth day. Depending on the water
hardness set the appropriate number of days after which the regeneration is to start (Examine the
water hardness and use the table from the page 5).
Open the
water supply
to the water softening device.
water pressure
must be at least 2,0 bars and a maximum of 6,0 bars.
De-aerate system by turning the regeneration knob (7) clockwise to Backwash position. After few
minutes the system will de-aerates. Next turn the regeneration knob clockwise to IN SERV position.
The device is ready to work.
Picture 2. Steering valve connection
Inlet of raw water (3/4", elastic connection)
Outlet of treated water (3/4", elastic connection)
Drain (1/2", elastic connection).
Power supply
Inlet of Raw
water ¾”
Outlet of Treated
water ¾”
Drain ½”
Power supply